Forest Traditional penholder designs have a strong focus on functionality. Because of that, they have become unnoticeable over time. A brand new design is necessary to create resonance between the user and the object. Forest achieves this by combining aesthetics and functionality. Stationery placed in the penholder become part of the forest, adding a touch of life and personality to otherwise mundane desks.
清晨的丛林 晨雾轻曼,缕缕浮光穿过,清风微拂,点点微光摆动。悦耳鸣叫,开启了丛林的清晨节奏,跳跃的小鹿一闪而过,黑色毛球般的小熊在斜树干上滚来滚去,轻舞慢步的大象尽显优雅,呆萌大睫毛的长颈鹿始终行走在清晨的云端,漏出一半身体的河马用打哈欢迎清晨的第一缕阳光。扑面而来的清晨气息中漂浮着满满生机的旋律,无论来自哪里,无论习性如何,都将被这清晨笼罩,被这丛林拥抱。
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